Apply to join our directory of creative women

Apply to join our directory of creative women


Hello! We are so excited you have landed on our site and want to join us. Through our directory we look forward to promoting the work of our community, foster increased client outreach, collaborations, and friendships (plus really good SEO for your business!). The small one-time fee of $48 is so that we can keep this free resource available and cover the costs of running the website and support organizations we are passionate about.

The application form will be included during checkout. Have your website link, instagram link, a short bio, and a link to a profile picture and work sample at the ready! xo

30% of your Application Fee will be donated on a quarterly basis to organizations that help women and children.

Apply Now



“Joining the Creative Lady Directory is one of the best investments I've made! It has landed me my highest paying client and every inquiry I receive is of the best quality.”

- Megan, Letterform Creative


“One of my biggest clients found me through here. They are about 80% of my current workload and are the client that pushed me into full-time freelancing from part-time freelancing. I also receive a ton of referrals to my portfolio site through the directory!”

- Leslie, Ephemera Studio